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About Snow Job

Snow Job is the only company offering an integrated solution for all your paranormal needs. Our expert team has the backgrounds to handle any para- meta- or quasi-normal situation that may arise. We've been offering our services since 2007; or possibly much earlier... our Vice President of Not Leaving a Trace is so good, we don't even know who he or she is. Here's what we can tell you about some of our top staff:

Mona LaParr -- Vice President of International Capturing

Mona is no stranger to ghosts, and she's much stranger than most. Mona's zeal for the paranormal dates back to her childhood, during which both of her parents disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Her ghost searching hobby then became an obsession, as she endeavored to find out if her parents were living or dead... or somewhere in between. Her search for the truth led her around the world to even the most remote paranormal locations. Despite the breadth of her search she has not met with success in her personal quest. However, the talents she has mastered make her one of the best ghost hunters in the industry.

Giles Potter -- Vice President of Research and Development

Giles Potter was working as the site manager at a large Houston construction firm until a year ago. While working on a large project that involved rebuilding a factory after a large industrial accident, Giles encountered several ghosts of the accident's victims. Spooked by the encounter, Giles uprooted his life, left Texas, and joined Snow Job to work on the development of new, advanced methods of ghost capture. Giles now leads our development team, building Snow Job's award-winning capture equipment.

Laura Punster -- Vice President of Para-Medical Studies

Laura was a gifted college junior majoring in biochemical engineering, when she and her boyfriend were assaulted by a wandering spirit during an evening walk. She escaped unharmed, but her boyfriend was grazed by a wafting tendril and fell into a coma-like state. She immediately switched her major to paranormal studies in the hopes of discovering a cure for his ectoplasm induced psychosis. Today she is a leading researcher in the field of ecto-psychology.